
# Complete the function to print the first X number of characters in the given string

def printFirst(mystring, x):

# Student code goes here

    my_str = mystring[0:x]

    print(my_str, end='')

    print(' ')


# expected output: WGU

printFirst('WGU College of IT', 3)    


# expected output: WGU College

printFirst('WGU College of IT', 11)


# Complete the function to return the first two items in the given list

def getFirstTwo(mylist):

# Student code goes here

    x = mylist[:2]

    return x

# expected output: [8, 3]



# expected output: [15, 2]



# Complete the function to return the last two items in the given list

def getLastTwo(mylist):

# Student code goes here

    y = mylist[-2:]

    return y


# expected output: [2, 10]



# expected output: [9, 12]



# Complete the function to add num1 to the end of the given list

def addToEnd(mylist, num1):

# Student code goes here


    return mylist

# expected output: [4, 5, 6, 7]

print(addToEnd([4,5,6], 7))


# expected output: [9, 8, 7, 6]

print(addToEnd([9,8,7], 6))


# Complete the function to add num1 to the front of the given list

def addToFront(mylist, num1):

# Student code goes here    

    mylist.insert(0, num1)

    return mylist

# expected output: [3, 4, 5, 6]

print(addToFront([4,5,6], 3))


# expected output: [10, 9, 8, 7]

print(addToFront([9,8,7], 10))


# Complete the function to return a new list containing 

# the first two and last two items in the given list

def getFirstTwoAndLastTwo(mylist):

# Student code goes here

    first =  mylist[:2]

    last = mylist[-2:]

#     print(first)

#     print(last)

    final = first + last

    return final

# expected output: [8, 3, 19, 1]



# expected output: [7, 15, 3, 5]



# Complete the function to remove the first item in the given list

def removeFirst(mylist):

# Student code goes here


    return mylist


# expected output: [7, 8, 9]



# expected output: [2, 3, 4]



# Complete the function to remove the third item in the given list

def removeThird(mylist):

# Student code goes here


    return mylist


# expected output: [6, 7, 9]



# expected output: [1, 2, 4]



# Complete the function to order the values in the list

# if ascending is true then order lowest to highest

# if ascending is false then order highest to lowest

def sortList(mylist, ascending):

# Student code goes here

    if ascending == True:




    return mylist

# expected output: [4, 12, 19, 33]

print(sortList([19,4,33,12], True))


# expected output: [33, 19, 12, 4]

print(sortList([19,4,33,12], False))


# Complete the function to return a dictionary using 

# list1 as the keys and list2 as the values

def createDict(list1, list2):

# Student code goes here

    x = dict(zip(list1, list2))   

    return x


# expected output: {'tomato': 'red', 'banana': 'yellow', 'lime': 'green'}  

print(createDict(['tomato', 'banana', 'lime'], ['red','yellow','green']))        


# expected output: {'Brazil': 'Brasilia', 'Ireland': 'Dublin', 'Indonesia': 'Jakarta'}

print(createDict(['Brazil', 'Ireland', 'Indonesia'], ['Brasilia','Dublin','Jakarta']))


# Complete the function to return a dictionary value 

# if it exists or return Not Found if it doesn't exist

def findDictItem(mydict, key):

# Student code goes here

    return mydict.get(key, 'Not found')

#     if key in mydict.keys():

#         return mydict[key]

#     else:

#         return 'Not Found'


# expected output: yellow

print(findDictItem({'tomato': 'red', 'banana': 'yellow', 'lime': 'green'} , 'banana'))


# expected output: Not Found

print(findDictItem({'Brazil': 'Brasilia', 'Ireland': 'Dublin', 'Indonesia': 'Jakarta'},'Cameroon'))


# Complete the function to remove a dictionary item if it exists

def removeDictItem(mydict, key):

# Student code goes here

    if key in mydict.keys():


        return mydict


        return mydict


# expected output: {'tomato': 'red', 'lime': 'green'}

print(removeDictItem({'tomato': 'red', 'banana': 'yellow', 'lime': 'green'} , 'banana'))


# expected output: {'Brazil': 'Brasilia', 'Ireland': 'Dublin', 'Indonesia': 'Jakarta'}

print(removeDictItem({'Brazil': 'Brasilia', 'Ireland': 'Dublin', 'Indonesia': 'Jakarta'},'Cameroon'))


# Complete the function to print every key and value

def printDict(mydict):

# Student code goes here

    for key, val in mydict.items():

        print(key,'=',val, sep='')    

# expected output: 

#        tomato=red

#        banana=yellow

#        lime=green

printDict({'tomato': 'red', 'banana': 'yellow', 'lime': 'green'})


# expected output: 

#        Brazil=Brasilia

#        Ireland=Dublin

#        Indonesia=Jakarta

printDict({'Brazil': 'Brasilia', 'Ireland': 'Dublin', 'Indonesia': 'Jakarta'})

Amusement park ride reservation system

riders_per_ride = 3  # Num riders per ride to dispatch

line = []  # The line of riders

num_vips = 0  # Track number of VIPs at front of line

menu = ('(1) Reserve place in line.\n'  # Add rider to line

        '(2) Reserve place in VIP line.\n'  # Add VIP

        '(3) Dispatch riders.\n'  # Dispatch next ride car

        '(4) Print riders.\n'

        '(5) Exit.\n\n')

user_input = input(menu).strip().lower()

while user_input != '5':

    if user_input == '1':  # Add rider 

        name = input('Enter name:').strip().lower()



    elif user_input == '2':  # Add VIP

        print('FIXME: Add new VIP')

        name = input('Enter name:').strip().lower()

        line.insert(0, name)

        num_vips += 1

        # Add new rider behind last VIP in line

        # Hint: Insert the VIP into the line at position num_vips.

        #Don't forget to increment num_vips.

    elif user_input == '3':  # Dispatch ride

        print('FIXME: Remove riders from the front of the line.')


        num_vips -= 1

        # Remove last riders_per_ride from front of line.

        # Don't forget to decrease num_vips, if necessary.

    elif user_input == '4':  # Print riders waiting in line

        print('{} person(s) waiting:'.format(len(line)), line)


        print('Unknown menu option')

    user_input = input('Enter command: ').strip().lower()


Remove all non-alpha characters

non_alpha = input()

i = ''

for each in non_alpha:

#     print(each)

    if each.isalpha():

        i += each


Count characters

char_phr = input()

character = char_phr[0]

phrase = char_phr[1:]

count = 0

for char in phrase:

    if character == char:

        count += 1


if count == 1:

    print(f'{count} {character}')


    print(f'{count} {character}\'s')

Name format

Input: Pat Silly Doe

Output: Doe, P.S.

name = input()

name = name.split()

myName = len(name)

if myName == 3:

    print(name[2] + ', ' + name[0][0] + '.' + name[1][0] + '.')


    print(name[1]+ ', ' + name[0][0] + '.')

Checker for integer string

user_string = input()

if user_string.isdigit():




def) Swap with four parameters

Q: Define a function named swap_values that takes four integers as parameters and swaps the first with the second, and the third with the fourth values. Then write a main program that reads four integers from input, calls function swap_values() to swap the values, and prints the swapped values on a single line separated with spaces.


def swap_values(user_val1, user_val2, user_val3, user_val4):

    temp1 = user_val1

    temp2 = user_val3


    user_val1 = user_val2

    user_val2 = temp1

    user_val3 = user_val4

    user_val4 = temp2


    print(user_val1, end=' ')

    print(user_val2, end=' ')

    print(user_val3, end=' ')


    return user_val1, user_val2, user_val3, user_val4


if __name__ == '__main__': 

    user_val1 = int(input())

    user_val2 = int(input())

    user_val3 = int(input())

    user_val4 = int(input())

    swap_values(user_val1, user_val2, user_val3, user_val4)

def) Binary values_reverse

Q: Write a program that takes in a positive integer as input, and outputs a string of 1's and 0's representing the integer in binary. For an integer x, the algorithm is:

As long as x is greater than 0 

Output x % 2 (remainder is either 0 or 1) 

x = x // 2   

Note: The above algorithm outputs the 0's and 1's in reverse order. You will need to write a second function to reverse the string.


def int_to_reverse_binary(integer_value):    

    binary_num = ''

    while integer_value > 0:

        x = integer_value % 2

        binary_num += str(x)

        integer_value = integer_value // 2

    return binary_num

def string_reverse(input_string):

    str_to_list = list(input_string)

    reverse_list = str_to_list[::-1]

    list_to_str = ''.join(reverse_list)

    return list_to_str

if __name__ == '__main__':

    integer_value = int(input())

    a = int_to_reverse_binary(integer_value)


def) Driving Costs

Q: Write a function driving_cost() with input parameters miles_per_gallon, dollars_per_gallon, and miles_driven, that returns the dollar cost to drive those miles. All items are of type float. The function called with arguments (20.0, 3.1599, 50.0) returns 7.89975.

Define that function in a program whose inputs are the car's miles per gallon and the price of gas in dollars per gallon (both float). Output the gas cost for 10 miles, 50 miles, and 400 miles, by calling your driving_cost() function three times.

Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:



def driving_cost(miles_per_gallon, dollars_per_gallon, miles_driven):

    dollar_cost = (dollars_per_gallon/miles_per_gallon) * miles_driven

    return dollar_cost


def two_input_parameters():

    miles_per_gallon = float(input())

    dollars_per_gallon = float(input())


    miles_input = [10, 50, 400]

    for i in miles_input:

        cost_without_miles_driven = driving_cost(miles_per_gallon, dollars_per_gallon, i)


def fully_input():

    cost = driving_cost()

    return f'{cost:.2f}'


if __name__ == '__main__':


def) Pedometer

Q: A pedometer treats walking 1 step as walking 2.5 feet. Define a function named feet_to_steps that takes a float as a parameter, representing the number of feet walked, and returns an integer that represents the number of steps walked. Then, write a main program that reads the number of feet walked as an input, calls function feet_to_steps() with the input as an argument, and outputs the number of steps as an integer.

Use floating-point arithmetic to perform the conversion.


def feet_to_steps(user_feet):

    return int(user_feet / 2.5)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    user_feet = float(input())

    step = feet_to_steps(user_feet)


def) Immutable & Mutable

def modify(num_list):

    num_list[1] = 99  # Modifying only the copy


    my_list = [10, 20, 30]

    modify(my_list[:])  # Pass a copy of the list 


    print(my_list)  # my_list does not contain 99!

[10, 20, 30]


def modify(num_list):

    num_list[1] = 99


    my_list = [10, 20, 30]


    print(my_list)  # my_list still contains 99!

[10, 99, 30]

def) Echo

def echo(text: str, repetitions: int = 3) -> str:

    """Imitate a real-world echo."""

    echoed_text = ""

    for i in range(repetitions, 0, -1):

        echoed_text += f"{text[-i:]}\n"

    return f"{echoed_text.lower()}."

if __name__ == "__main__":

    text = input("Yell something at a mountain: ")


def) kg to pounds:

def kilo_to_pounds(kilos):   

    return (kilos * 2.204)

# Main part of the program starts here. Do not remove the line below.

if __name__ == '__main__':

    kilos = float(input())  

    pounds = kilo_to_pounds(kilos)

    print(f'{pounds:.3f} lbs')

def) Student score

student_scores = [75, 84, 66, 99, 51, 65]

def get_grade_stats(scores):

    # Calculate the arithmetic mean

    mean = sum(scores)/len(scores)


    # Calculate the standard deviation

    tmp = 0

    for score in scores:

        tmp += (score - mean )**2

    std_dev = (tmp/len(scores))**0.5

    # Package and return average, standard deviation in a tuple

    return mean, std_dev

# Unpack tuple

average, standard_deviation = get_grade_stats(student_scores)

print('Average score:', average)

print('Standard deviation:', standard_deviation)

Average score: 73.33333333333333

Standard deviation: 15.260697523012796

def) *args & *kwargs_01

Q: The * and ** characters in *args and **kwargs are the important symbols. Using "args" and "kwargs" is standard practice, but any valid identifier is acceptable (like perhaps using *condiments in the sandwich example).

One or both of *args or **kwargs can be used. They must come last (and in that order if both are used) in the parameter list, otherwise an error occurs.

Below is a practical example showing how to combine normal parameters and the **kwargs parameter. Operating systems like Windows or MacOS have a command line that can be used instead of clicking icons on a desktop. To start an application using the command line, a user types in the application name followed by some options (usually denoted with a double dash --), as in notepad.exe or firefox.exe --new-window= --private-toggle=True. The example below uses a function call's arguments to generate a new command.


def gen_command(application, **kwargs):

        command = application


        for argument in kwargs:

            command += f' --{argument}={kwargs[argument]}'

        return command


print(gen_command('notepad.exe'))  # No options

print(gen_command('Powerpoint.exe', file='pres.ppt', start=True, slide=3))

def) *args & **kwargs_02

def print_sandwich(bread, meat, *args): 

    print(f'{meat} on {bread}', end=' ') 

    if len(args) > 0: 

        print('with', end=' ') 

    for extra in args: 

        print(extra, end=' ') 


print_sandwich('sourdough', 'turkey', 'mayo')

print_sandwich('wheat', 'ham', 'mustard', 'tomato', 'lettuce')

turkey on sourdough with mayo

ham on wheat with mustard tomato lettuce

def print_sandwich(meat, bread, **kwargs):

    print(f'{meat} on {bread}')

    for category, extra in kwargs.items():

        print(f'   {category}: {extra}')


print_sandwich('turkey', 'sourdough', sauce='mayo')

print_sandwich('ham', 'wheat', sauce1='mustard', veggie1='tomato', veggie2='lettuce')

turkey on sourdough

   sauce: mayo

ham on wheat

   sauce1: mustard

   veggie1: tomato

   veggie2: lettuce

def) Dollars to pennies

Q: Write a function number_of_pennies() that returns the total number of pennies given a number of dollars and (optionally) a number of pennies. Ex: If you have $5.06 then the input is 5 6, and if you have $4.00 then the input is 4.

Sample output with inputs: 5 6 4




def number_of_pennies(dollars=0, pennies=0):

    total_of_pennies = (dollars * 100) + pennies

    return total_of_pennies                


print(number_of_pennies(int(input()), int(input()))) # Both dollars and pennies

print(number_of_pennies(int(input())))               # Dollars only

def) Default object modification list 

def append_to_list(value, my_list=None):  # Use default parameter value of None

    if my_list == None:  # Create a new list if a list was not provided

        my_list = []


    return my_list

numbers = append_to_list(50)  # default list appended with 50


numbers = append_to_list(100)  # default list appended with 100





def) Make a new list

def append_to_list(value, my_list=[]):


    return my_list

numbers = append_to_list(50)  # default list appended with 50


numbers = append_to_list(100)  # default list appended with 100




[50, 100]

def) Swap string to list

Q: Write a function swap that swaps the first and last elements of a list argument.

Sample output with input: 'all,good,things,must,end,here'

['here', 'good', 'things', 'must', 'end', 'all']


def swap(values):

    values[0], values[-1] = values[-1], values[0]



values_list = input().split(',')  # Program receives comma-separated values like 5,4,12,19



def) Manipulate  students grade

Q: Address the FIXME comments. Move the respective code from the while-loop to the created function. The add_grade function has already been created.

Note: split() and strip() are string methods further explained elsewhere. split() separates a string into tokens using any whitespace as the default separator. The tokens are returned in a list (i.e., 'a b c'.split() returns ['a', 'b', 'c']). strip() returns a copy of a string with leading and trailing whitespace removed.


def add_grade(student_grades):

    print('Entering grade. \n')

    name, grade = input(grade_prompt).split()

    student_grades[name] = grade


def delete_name(student_grades):

    print('Deleting grade.\n')

    name = input(delete_prompt)

    del student_grades[name]

def print_grades(student_grades):

    print('Printing grades.\n')

    for name, grade in student_grades.items():

        print(name, 'has a', grade)


student_grades = {}  # Create an empty dict

grade_prompt = "Enter name and grade (Ex. 'Bob A+'):\n"

delete_prompt = "Enter name to delete:\n"

menu_prompt = ("1. Add/modify student grade\n"

                "2. Delete student grade\n"

                "3. Print student grades\n"

                "4. Quit\n\n")

command = input(menu_prompt).lower().strip()

while command != '4':  # Exit when user enters '4'

    if command == '1':


    elif command == '2':


    elif command == '3':



        print('Unrecognized command.\n')

    command = input().lower().strip()


def) Manipulate numbers

Q: The problem below uses the function get_numbers() to read a number of integers from the user. Three unfinished functions are defined, which should print only certain types of numbers that the user entered. Complete the unfinished functions, adding loops and branches where necessary. Match the output with the below sample:

Enter 5 integers:

0 5

1 99

2 -44

3 0

4 12

Numbers: 5 99 -44 0 12

Odd numbers: 5 99

Negative numbers: -44


size = 5

def get_numbers(num):

    numbers = []

    user_input = input(f'Enter {num} integers:\n')

    i = 0

    for token in user_input.split():

        number = int(token)    # Convert string input into integer

        numbers.append(number)  # Add to numbers list

        print(i, number)

        i += 1

    return numbers

def print_all_numbers(numbers):

    # Print numbers

    allnum = ''

    for num in numbers:

        number = str(num)

        allnum += number + ' '

    print('Numbers:', allnum)

def print_odd_numbers(numbers):

    # Print all odd numbers

    oddnum = ''

    for num in numbers:

        if num % 2 == 1:

            number = str(num)

            oddnum += number + ' '

    print('Odd numbers:', oddnum)

def print_negative_numbers(numbers):

    # Print all negative numbers

    neg_num = ''

    for num in numbers:

        if num < 0:

            number = str(num)

            neg_num = number + ' '

    print('Negative numbers:', neg_num)


nums = get_numbers(size)




def) Manipulate menu

def print_menu():

    print("Today's Menu:")

    print('   1) Gumbo')

    print('   2) Jambalaya')

    print('   3) Quit\n')

quit_program = False

while not quit_program :


    choice = int(input('Enter choice: '))

    if choice == 3 :


        quit_program = True

    else :

        print('Order: ', end='')

        if choice == 1 :


        elif choice == 2 :



Brute force equation solver

Q: Brute force equation solver

Numerous engineering and scientific applications require finding solutions to a set of equations. Ex: 8x + 7y = 38 and 3x - 5y = -1 have a solution x = 3, y = 2. Given integer coefficients of two linear equations with variables x and y, use brute force to find an integer solution for x and y in the range -10 to 10.





Output: x = 3 , y = 2


For every value of x from -10 to 10 

For every value of y from -10 to 10 

Check if the current x and y satisfy both equations. If so, output the solution, and finish.

Else, There is no solution


x1 = 0 

y1 = 0

for x in range(-10, 11):

    for y in range(-10, 11):

        if a * x + b * y == c:

            if d * x + e * y ==f:

                x1 = x

                y1 = y


if x1 == 0 & y1 == 0:

    print('There is no solution')


    print('x =', x1, ',', 'y =', y1)

Convert to binary

Q: Convert to reverse binary

Write a program that takes in a positive integer as input, and outputs a string of 1's and 0's representing the integer in reverse binary. For an integer x, the algorithm is:

Note: The above algorithm outputs the 0's and 1's in reverse order.


number = int(input())

number_list =[]

while number > 0:


    number = number // 2

for num in number_list:

    if num % 2 == 0:

        print('0', end='')


        num % 2 == 1

        print('1', end='')



number = int(input())

binary_string = ''

while(number > 0):

    digit = number % 2

    binary_string += str(digit)

    number = number // 2


#if you want to correct the binary digit, add reversed[::-1]

number = int(input())

number_list =[]

while number > 0:


    number = number // 2

    number_list_reversed = number_list[::-1]

for num in number_list_reversed:

    if num % 2 == 0:

        print('0', end='')


        num % 2 == 1

        print('1', end='')

Manipulate asterisk

Q: Create a different version of the program that:

Calculates the number of times the sum of the randomly rolled dice equals each possible value from 2 to 12.

Repeatedly asks the user for the number of times to roll the dice, quitting only when the user-entered number is less than 1. Hint: Use a while loop that will execute as long as num_rolls is greater than 1.

Prints a histogram in which the total number of times the dice rolls equals each possible value is displayed by printing a character, such as *, that number of times. The following provides an example:


import random

num_rolls = int(input())

two = ''

three = ''

four = ''

five = ''

six = ''

seven = ''

eight = ''

nine = ''

ten = ''

eleven = ''

twelve = ''

while num_rolls >= 1:

    num_rolls -= 1

    for i in range(num_rolls):

        die1 = random.randint(1, 6)

        die2 = random.randint(1, 6)

        roll_total = die1 + die2


    if roll_total == 2:

        two += '*'

    if roll_total == 3:

        three += '*'

    if roll_total == 4:

        four += '*'

    if roll_total == 5:

        five += '*'

    if roll_total == 6:

        six += '*'

    if roll_total == 7:

        seven += '*'

    if roll_total == 8:

        eight += '*'

    if roll_total == 9:

        nine += '*'

    if roll_total == 10:

        ten += '*'

    if roll_total == 11:

        eleven += '*'

    if roll_total == 12:

        twelve += '*'


print('2s:', two)

print('3s:', three)

print('4s:', four)

print('5s:', five)

print('6s:', six)

print('7s:', seven)

print('8s:', eight)

print('9s:', nine)

print('10s:', ten)

print('11s:', eleven)

print('12s:', twelve)





6s: ***

7s: *

8s: *

9s: *

10s: **

11s: **

12s: *

Number of name

number of names to print:

names = ['Janice', 'Clarice', 'Martin', 'Veronica', 'Jason']

num = int(input('Enter number of names to print: '))

for i in range(len(names)):

    if i == num:


    print(names[i], end= ' ')


    print('All names printed.')

Manipulate index and value

origins = [4, 8, 10]

for index in range(len(origins)):

    value = origins[index]  # Retrieve value of element in list.

    print(f'Element {index}: {value}')

Element 0: 4

Element 1: 8

Element 2: 10

origins = [4, 8, 10]

for value in origins:

    index = origins.index(value)  # Retrieve index of value in list

    print(f'Element {index}: {value}')

Element 0: 4

Element 1: 8

Element 2: 10

The enumerate() function retrieves both the index and corresponding element value at the same time, providing a cleaner and more readable solution.

origins = [4, 8, 10]

for (index, value) in enumerate(origins):

    print(f'Element {index}: {value}')

Element 0: 4

Element 1: 8

Element 2: 10

Find same first letter of name

legal_names = ['Thor', 'Bjork', 'Bailey', 'Anders', 'Bent', 'Bjarne', 'Bjorn', 

    'Claus', 'Emil', 'Finn', 'Jakob', 'Karen', 'Julie', 'Johanne', 'Anna', 'Anne', 

    'Bente', 'Eva', 'Helene', 'Ida', 'Inge', 'Susanne', 'Sofie', 'Rikkie', 'Pia', 

    'Torben', 'Soren', 'Rune', 'Rasmus', 'Per', 'Michael', 'Mads', 'Hanne', 



user_name = input('Enter desired name:\n')

if user_name in legal_names:

    print(f'{user_name} is an acceptable Danish name. Congratulations.')


    print(f'{user_name} is not acceptable.')

    for name in legal_names:

        if user_name[0] == name[0]:

            print(f'You might consider: {name},', end=' ')



        print('No close matches were found.')


Roll the dice

import random

num_sixes = 0

num_sevens = 0

num_rolls = int(input('Enter number of rolls:\n'))

if num_rolls >= 1:

    for i in range(num_rolls):

        die1 = random.randint(1,6)

        die2 = random.randint(1,6)

        roll_total = die1 + die2

        #Count number of sixes and sevens

        if roll_total == 6:

            num_sixes = num_sixes + 1

        if roll_total == 7:

            num_sevens = num_sevens + 1

        print(f'Roll {i} is {roll_total} ({die1} + {die2})')

    print('\nDice roll statistics:')

    print('6s:', num_sixes)

    print('7s:', num_sevens)


    print('Invalid number of rolls. Try again.')

Simon says

Q: "Simon Says" is a memory game where "Simon" outputs a sequence of 10 characters (R, G, B, Y) and the user must repeat the sequence. Create a for loop that compares each character of the two strings. For each matching character, add one point to user_score. Upon a mismatch, end the loop.


simon_pattern = input()

user_pattern  = input()

user_score = 0

for i in range(10):

    if simon_pattern[i] != user_pattern[i]:


    user_score += 1

print('User score:', user_score)

chr & ord

What is the output of the following code? 

c1 = 'a'

while c1 < 'b':

    c2 = 'a'

    while c2 <= 'c':

        print(f'{c1}{c2}', end = ' ')

        c2 = chr(ord(c2) + 1)

    c1 = chr(ord(c1) + 1)

aa ab ac

c1 = 'a'

while c1 < 'b':

    c2 = 0

    while c2 <= 9:

        print(f'{c1}{c2}', end = ' ')

        c2 = c2 + 1

    c1 = chr(ord(c1) + 1)

a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9​

Modify the two-character

Q: Modify the program to include two-character .com names, where the second character can be a letter or a number, e.g., Hint: Add a second while loop nested in the outer loop, but following the first inner loop, that iterates through the numbers 0-9.


letter1 = 'a'

letter2 = '?'

while letter1 <= 'z':  # Outer loop

    letter2 = 0

    while letter2 <= 9:  # Inner loop


        letter2 += 1

    letter1 = chr(ord(letter1) + 1)

Two-letter domain names



Program to print all 2-letter domain names.

Note that ord() and chr() convert between text and the ASCII or Unicode encoding:

-  ord('a') yields the encoded value of 'a', the number 97.

-  ord('a')+1 adds 1 to the encoded value of 'a', giving 98.

-  chr(ord('a')+1) converts 98 back into a letter, producing 'b'



print('Two-letter domain names:')

letter1 = 'a'

letter2 = '?'

while letter1 <= 'z':  # Outer loop

    letter2 = 'a'

    while letter2 <= 'z':  # Inner loop


        letter2 = chr(ord(letter2) + 1)

    letter1 = chr(ord(letter1) + 1)

Two-letter domain names:

Dictionary's keys

A for loop assigns the loop variable with a dictionary's keys

channels = {

    'MTV': 35,

    'CNN': 28,

    'FOX': 11,

    'NBC': 4,

    'CBS': 12


for c in channels:

    print(f'{c} is on channel {channels[c]}')

MTV is on channel 35

CNN is on channel 28

FOX is on channel 11

NBC is on channel 4

CBS is on channel 12

Max value

max = -1

val = Get next input

while val is not 0

   If val > max

      max = val

   val = Get next input

Leap year

input_year = int(input())

if input_year % 4 == 0 and input_year % 100 != 0 or input_year % 400 == 0:

    print(input_year, '- leap year')


    print(input_year, '- not a leap year')

Season in the northern hemisphere

Q: The dates for each season in the northern hemisphere are:

Spring: March 20 - June 20

Summer: June 21 - September 21

Autumn: September 22 - December 20

Winter: December 21 - March 19


month = input()

day = int(input())

if month not in ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']:


if month == 'March':

    if day > 19 and day < 32:


    elif day < 1 or day > 31:


if month == 'April':

    if day > 0 and day < 31:


    elif day < 1 or day > 30:


if month == 'May':

    if day > 0 and day < 32:


    elif day < 1 or day > 31:


if month == 'June':

    if day > 0 and day < 21:


    elif day < 1 or day > 30:



if month == 'June':

    if day > 20 and day < 31:


    elif day < 1 or day > 30:


if month == 'July':

    if day > 0 and day < 32:


    elif day < 1 or day > 31:


if month == 'August':

    if day > 0 and day < 32:


    elif day < 1 or day > 31:


if month == 'September':

    if day > 0 and day < 22:



if month == 'September':

    if day > 21 and day < 31:


    elif day < 1 or day > 30:


if month == 'October':

    if day > 0 and day < 32:


    elif day < 1 or day > 31:


if month == 'November':

    if day > 0 and day < 32:


    elif day < 1 or day > 30:


if month == 'December':

    if day > 0 and day < 21:


    elif day < 1 or day > 31:



if month == 'December':

    if day > 20 and day < 32:


if month == 'January':

    if day > 0 and day < 32:


    elif day < 1 or day > 31:


if month == 'February':

    if day > 0 and day < 30:


    elif day < 1 or day > 29:


if month == 'March':

    if day > 0 and day < 20:


    elif day < 1 or day > 31:


Primary & auxiliary highway

Q: Primary U.S. interstate highways are numbered 1-99. Odd numbers (like the 5 or 95) go north/south, and evens (like the 10 or 90) go east/west. Auxiliary highways are numbered 100-999, and service the primary highway indicated by the rightmost two digits. Thus, I-405 services I-5, and I-290 services I-90. Note: 200 is not a valid auxiliary highway because 00 is not a valid primary highway number.

Given a highway number, indicate whether it is a primary or auxiliary highway. If auxiliary, indicate what primary highway it serves. Also, indicate if the (primary) highway runs north/south or east/west.


highway_number = int(input())

ones = highway_number % 10

tens = highway_number // 10 % 10

if highway_number < 100:

    if ones == 0 and tens == 0:

        print(highway_number, 'is not a valid interstate highway number.')

    elif highway_number % 2 == 0:

        print('I-', highway_number, ' is primary, going east/west.', sep='') ←— no space


        print('I-', highway_number, ' is primary, going north/south.', sep='')


if highway_number > 99 and highway_number < 1000:

    if ones == 0 and tens == 0:

        print(highway_number, 'is not a valid interstate highway number.')

    elif highway_number % 2 == 0:

        if tens == 0:

            print('I-', highway_number, ' is auxiliary, serving I-', ones, ', going east/west.', sep='')


            print('I-', highway_number, ' is auxiliary, serving I-', tens, ones, ', going east/west.', sep='')

    elif highway_number % 2 == 1:

        if tens == 0:

            print('I-', highway_number, ' is auxiliary, serving I-', ones, ', going north/south.', sep='')


            print('I-', highway_number, ' is auxiliary, serving I-', tens, ones, ', going north/south.', sep='')


if highway_number > 999:

    print(highway_number, 'is not a valid interstate highway number.')